If x + y - 4t = 0 then find the value of xx2t+2ty2txx2t+2ty2t.



Step by Step Explanation:
  1. We are given x + y - 4t = 0
    It can also be written as: (x - 2t) + (y - 2t) = 0
    or (x - 2t) = -(y - 2t)
  2. The above step tells us that we may replace (x - 2t) with -(y - 2t) wherever needed.
  3. We need to find the value of xx2t+2ty2txx2t+2ty2t which is equal to:
    -(y - 2t)
    y - 2t
    -x + 2t
    y - 2t
    -(x - 2t)
    (y - 2t)
  4. As we know that (x - 2t) = -(y - 2t), the answer to the above question becomes 1.

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